I'm a leader in Design Strategy, Product, and UX Design, driving digital transformation across enterprise systems, retail, healthcare, and beyond.

I love developing teams, fostering alignment and facilitating collective action to deliver strategic and impactful work.

About me

With over 12 years of experience in product and business strategy, I help companies design winning products, successfully get them to market, and leverage Design Thinking to determine the right path for innovation. 

My motto is simple: give people the right tools and empowerment so they can activate their knowledge and expertise. I hold this as a guiding principle to set and develop my teams and apply it to my work as a strategic designer, workshop facilitator, and educator at Parsons School of Design.

Maria presents to a large group while holding a microphone

My core competencies

  • Strategy

    Crafting a well-defined project requires a comprehensive understanding of its positioning, target users, and potential implications and risks. As a strategist, this is my foundation for developing sustainable solutions. My expertise lies in deciphering and mapping these scenarios and ensuring the right path is taken. I leverage Product Management, Go-To-Market and Design Strategy methodologies to establish a roadmap with clarity on where we are headed and how to successfully reach our goals.

  • Design

    Design is at the heart of my craft, encompassing a wide range of skills, from UX and research to product and service design. Starting with setting a vision for the experience we want to bring to life, I focus on user needs and behaviors to provide direction and input at all stages of the creative process. I create collaboration tools that empower designers, developers, and partners at all levels to leverage their talents effectively. This synergy fosters a high-quality solution, creating significant value for our users and stakeholders.

  • Facilitation & Mentorship

    As the articulator of complex initiatives, I ensure people can come to the table and participate. Whether working with executive leaders to shape their business's future or fostering open collaboration across multidisciplinary teams, I facilitate productive dialogue and decision-making. My expertise includes designing inclusive environments, conducting workshops, and facilitating alignment on clear insights and actionable outcomes. I extend this philosophy to my role as a Professor at Parsons School of Design.

Some of the exciting clients I’ve worked with

Let’s work together